Do not forget to vote – next Tuesday, March 3rd is a primary election day in Alabama

Next Tuesday, March 3, 2020, is a primary election day in Alabama and 14 other states which has earned the nickname of ‘Super Tuesday’.
In Alabama, there is a Democratic Presidential primary, where voters will award 52 delegates to a set of candidates including Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttagieg, Amy Klobuchar, Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer.
In the Republican primary voters will choose a candidate to run against incumbent U. S. Senator, Doug Jones, among the candidates are Jeff Sessions, Bradley Byrne, Tommy Tubberville, Roy Moore and others.
There are some statewide races for Public Service Commission, Supreme and Appellate Court judges.
In Greene County, there are local contests for Revenue Commissioner, School Board seats in Districts 3 and 5. Incumbent Revenue Commissioner, Mary McShan is opposed by challenger, Arnelia ‘Shay’ Johnson. In School Board District 3, incumbent William Morgan is opposed by Veronica Richardson and in School Board District 5, incumbent Carrie Dancy is challenged by Mary Edwards Otieno.
Another issue on the ballot is Amendment No. 1, which would move from an elected State School Board to a State School Board appointed by the Governor. The Alabama New South Alliance (ANSA) is recommending a ‘No’ vote on this amendment because it would limit democratic choice by the people of Alabama and give all of this decision making authority to the Governor.
The ANSA has endorsed Joe Biden for President, Laura Casey for Public Service Commission and Billie Jean Young for State School Board – District 5.
The local Greene County ANSA chapter has endorsed Arnelia ‘Shay’ Johnson for Revenue Commissioner, William Morgan for School Board District 3 and Mary Edwards Otieno for School Board District 5.