Alabama Civil Rights Museum Movement sponsors activities in Greene County to honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday

The Alabama Civil Rights Museum Movement, Inc., (ACRMM) is sponsoring a series of programs commemorating the contributions of Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to Greene County, the State of Alabama, and this nation.
Mr. Spiver Gordon, ACRMM President, organizes these events each year in celebration and as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices of so many leaders who brought about civil, social, and economic changes in our lives. 
The work of Dr. King and SCLC, the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the National Democratic Party of Alabama (NDPA) and others provided the courageous leadership that changed laws and practices on voting rights, holding public office, desegregating public education, public accommodations, and employment opportunities for Black people in particular.  As Mr. Gordon noted: “These rights are still not secured, especially the right to vote.  There are strong movements to diminish those and other civil rights going on right now.”
 The annual events of ACRMM, open to the public, are scheduled as follows: On Friday January 12, 2024, at 10:00 am, the Dr. MKL, Jr. Educational Seminar Student Development Session will be held at New Peace Baptist Church on Prairie Ave., Eutaw, AL.  Greene County High School students are the primary invitees.  Mr. Irene Byrd, Tuscaloosa, AL is the keynote speaker, with special guest, Minister
    On Monday, January 15 at 8:00 am, the MLK, Jr. Freedom Unity Breakfast will be held at the Eutaw Activity Center on Harris Ave., Eutaw, AL, Bishop Glen McCord, Chelsea, Alabama, is the keynote speaker. Special guests, Rev. Dr. Kelvin Cockrell, Hon Garria Spencer, Dr. Monty Thornburg, and others.
The Freedom Breakfast is followed by the Countywide Freedom March to the William M. Branch Courthouse. Religious Women Freedom Rally, 10:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker, Hon. Phyllis Craig Taylor, Durham, North Carolina. Special Guests, Dr. Carol P. Zippert, Pastor Carolyn Branch and others.  
There will be a Senior Citizens Luncheon at 1:30 PM, at the Eutaw Activity Center, following the Courthouse meeting.
Come join us for music, food, and celebration, “We can never let ourselves forget from whence we have come. We must keep the vigil to protect our rights and continue to serve and build our communities,” Gordon said.