Greene County schools return to virtual classes as COVID positive case rise

The Greene County Board of Education met in a special called meeting, Friday, August 20, 2021 to address the school system’s need to revert to virtual classes due to the number of positive COVID cases among students and school personnel. Subsequently, the board approved Superintendent Dr. Corey Jones’ recommendation to end in-person classes from August 20 until September 7, and further authorized the superintendent to extend the virtual program beyond that date, up to the September board meeting, if pandemic health issues warranted the same. At the time of the board meeting, 32 positive cases in the school system had been reported. According to Dr. Jones, the tracing procedures indicated that these positive cases did not originate in the school system. The August 20 Greene County High School football game scheduled in Aliceville was cancelled due to one player testing positive, which may have exposed others. To date, the number of reported positive COVID cases among students is 32, with 12 in quarantine and 8 positive cases among school personnel. The GCHS football team is scheduled to play Keith in Orrville, Friday, August 27. The Alabama Athletic Association stated that athletes who are vaccinated and become exposed may still play. According to Dr. Jones, school officials have prepared educational packets for students to avoid a gap in learning as the technical devices are distributed or upgraded. “Some students did not return their tablets at the end of the previous school term as requested, and some tablets turned in were damaged and had to be sent out for repairs. The tablets that were returned in good order were re-issued.” he stated. Dr. Jones noted that students’ school issued tablets would be activated and hot spots would be provided for those students needing the device. The board also approved the revised School Resource Officer Contract for 2021-2022, as recommended by the superintendent. Once the board meeting had adjourned, GCHS Coach Corey Cockrell and some football players expressed concerns regarding the school’s football program.