Newswire: Major League Baseball elevates the Negro Leagues

By: Northstar News

Baseball player Jackie Robinson (1950s)

This is a dynamic time for Major League Baseball.

The Cleveland Indians will drop their racially offensive name and mascot sometime in the near future after 105 years of offending Native Americans, and Major League Baseball has finally elevated the Negro Leagues.

Major League Baseball officials said it was “correcting a longtime oversight in the game’s history” by elevating the Negro Leagues on the centennial of their founding. The league consisted of seven teams.

After Jackie Robinson (pictured above) became the first Black player to be signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers, tthe league began to dissolve.

What does all this mean? Major League Baseball and Elias Sports will pour over historical records and determinate how to incorporate them into Major League Baseball.

Some of the players who are expected to wind up in Major League Baseball, include Josh Gibson, who was the greatest of the home run hitters and Satchel Paige, an all-time great pitcher, who struck out 150 players.

Robinson wore a baseball cap with a metal lining to protect him in case pitches aimed as his head or fans through garbage at him.

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