Childs seeks District 5 Commission seat




To the Citizens of District #5 and Greene County: It is after much thoughtful contemplation and prayer that I, Marvin Childs, have made the decision to seek the office of Greene County Commissioner of District #5. I believe the citizens of my district, district #5, deserve better than what we have received over the past few years. My decision to run for this position is based on a desire to work on behalf of the residents of District #5 and Greene County. This includes keeping District #5 residents informed of what is happening in the county and to be there for you when there are things that the county can do to help you.
As your commissioner, I will work alongside other Commissioners to move Greene County forward by working hard on issues our County encounters. Additionally, I will work with all other county departments so together we can all better Serve the People of Greene County. It is my belief that to serve, one must be a servant and that is what I will humbly be for you.
Thank you in advance for your support, your vote, and most of all your prayers in the upcoming June 5th, 2018 primary election.


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