Greene County Schools establish tutorial partnership with Stillman College

From the Office of School Superintendent Dr. Corey Jones

Greene County Schools and Stillman College have established a partnership with the goal of supporting students during this unprecedented time. The system’s academic program has been virtual since the opening of the 2020-2021 school year.
Greene County School System has solicited the assistance of Stillman College to assist in filing the gap that has occurred with our students during the COVID 19 pandemic. The tutoring program focuses on those students in grades 4-12 needing assistance in successfully navigating online learning as well as assisting students who need more practice in all core subjects.
The Peer Tutors are members of the special Harte Honors College, the scholarship program at Stillman, who major in Education, Journalism, History, or Psychology and are selected by each Academic Dean. The Peer Tutors are assigned to students at a ratio of one tutor per five students for elementary students (Grades 4 & 5) and one tutor per three students for middle school and high school students (Grades 6-12). Ratios are subject to change and depend upon the number of students in Greene County Schools who take advantage of this amazing opportunity.
Currently there are 35 students from Robert Brown Middle School and 25 students from Greene County High engaged in the Stillman Tutorial Program.
To ensure the success of this endeavor, Stillman has also provided a Program Administrator selected from the college faculty who will appropriately assign peer tutors to students receiving the tutorial services. The Program Administrator will review the daily and weekly progress reports on the program outcomes for each elementary, middle, and high school student enrolled in the program.
In addition to providing tutoring services to students in grades 4-12, Stillman College and the Stillman Foundation also provide a weekly update on the academic status and improvements on each student participating in the program as well as recommendations and suggestions for specific course work assignments.
The program is virtual and is in session Monday – Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For More Information regarding the Greene County Schools/Stillman College Tutoring Program, contact Dr. Charla Jordan-Riley, at 205-346-9540 or

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